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What's ON

Church is much more than Sundays!

And we meet at different times, formally and informally.

Below are details of some of the things we do

Prayer Group
Connect Groups

Connect Groups are our midweek small groups.

Most meet on Tuesday or Wednesday evening.

These are a great chance to go deeper: in getting to know one another, in sharing our stories and learning from the Bible together. 

Groups are mainly meeting online, using Zoom and other platforms


Every wondered why we are here?

What do Christians really believe and why?

Alpha is a great place to explore these questions.

We run regular Alpha courses, so let us know if you are interested!

Pastoral Support

Our pastoral team are here to support the the church and wider community in various aspects of life


We also have a Parish Nurse who runs a monthly drop in, on the last Wednesday of the month


There are a range of activities we do as we seek to reach out to the wider community.


In the winter months we have been part of the Croydon Churches Floating Night Shelter where we offer accommodation, food and more for the homeless.


We also operate a Foodbank, click here for details







Most Wednesdays "Meet & Eat" takes place from 12pm. with a simpler meal,.


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